Evento pasado

Chi Kung | 04.Noviembre.18

Por Samana Yoga Center

Fecha y Hora

Domingo 04/11/2018 8:00 hs.


Samana Yoga Center, Droogbak 11, 1013 GG Ámsterdam

Acerca de esta actividad

Experience the harmonizing and revitalizing effect of these ancient exercises rooted in Chinese medicine, martial arts, and philosophy. Chi Kung regulates the meridians, and accelerates the circulation of chi=life-force energy. It enhances your inner strength, and heightens your concentration. First of all you’ll get rid of unnecessary (often unconscious, sometimes longlasting) tension. Step by step you’ll come home in the core of your system. And from there you’ll work on the realization of your natural potential. Calm and alert, relaxed and alive.

The lesson consists of four parts:
- warming up (opening up the gates of the body, removing stagnations)
- 8 brocades (stimulating the meridians)
- tree poses (balancing your energy, strengthening your immune system)
- cooling down (integrating yin yang balance)

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